I have been a frequent traveller. My job is to conduct workshops at schools/ universities. A job I consider to be my passion and not a pain. My workshops are based on social interactions, handling social anxiety and similar topics which I adore to help people with.
My next workshop was in a different city, I had to fly there. I got to the airport, all set for my morning flight. It was monsoon and no wonder my flight was announced to have an hour delay. I could have passed that hour in ease by getting on my phone or watching one of my series. But I usually don’t do that as I’d rather prefer involving myself in some social interaction than hiding away myself with my gadgets.
One of the most relevant app I found was BlindMeet and it’s features quite distinct. I thought it to be great if I could meet someone instantly at that point. The app let me chose my preferences and mode. Under preferences in the meet filter, I checked ‘Looking for’ option to ‘Networking’. I matched within a kilometre of radius. I got to meet her instantly. We had a short intro about ourselves. She spoke about her social anxiety issues. She was glad I could understand her and also the fact that I did not make her feel uncomfortable. I suggested her a few ways to get out her social anxiety which she agreed upon.
She was thankful for having useful advice from me and moreover in a friendly manner. I was most welcome in helping for her betterment.
A feel of content flew into my mind about not wasting an hour and I could in fact do something of my passion that is, helping someone with anxiety issues.